Introducing Our Sponsor

Throughout this season we have showcased our great club sponsors and this one is no exception, John Merritt, from ‘Sucked in Vacuum Excavations’ spent some time with us recently to share why he came on board a few seasons ago.

Q. Tell me about Sucked in Vacuum Excavations?
Sucked In Vacuum Excavations has been a family-owned and run business on the Sunshine Coast for 18 years providing services to civil construction and households. The use of ‘Non-Destructive Vacuum Excavations’ has become a major part of civil works as it does not damage existing assets and services already in the ground and we are able to provide this along with other services
Q. Why did Sucked in Vacuum Excavations become a sponsor?
We became a sponsor of the club 3 years ago to help the junior club build a foundation for the future. We have a ‘cricket mad’ family and we thought it would be a great way to show our commitment to the club. The club continues to invest strongly into the development of junior players and this is something we have enjoyed being part of.
If you are looking for a club that values local support then Glasshouse District Cricket Club is your club!
–John Merrit–
Q.Tell me about a positive experience you’ve had as a sponsor from both a business and community perspective?
From a business perspective sponsoring has helped keep our name in the eye of clients. From a community side it lets every local know that we are also local and our support is always here. We love seeing our company logo on club shirts not only watching the kids train and play but also when they duck into the local shops wearing their club clothing, it provides us with a sense of pride knowing we are playing our part in the shaping of young players locally.
Show Your Support!
Sucked in Vacuum Excavations
Show your support and get behind our awesome sponsors! Sucked In Vacuum Excavations is a family-owned and operated company that has been delivering high-quality service to clients from Brisbane to Gympie and the hinterland areas for more than 14 years.